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Well, after the recent election, its seems like all hell is breaking loose in this country, quite literally. Both candidates, Laurent Gbadbo and Alassane Quattara, claim that they were elected as the head of the country, which has absolutely split the country, yet again. The late 90s civil war was over the issue of religion, something that both candidates differ on greatly. Here is yet another country to fall to the dichotomy of failed Islam-Christianity relations.

It is gaining far more media attention as recently, due the U.S.'s removal of all non-essential diplomats, as well as increasing the amount of security forces in the country. I think that is also says a lot when a country like Liberia, tells their former rebels and militants to stay out of the conflict.   (Gbadbo, left, and Quattara, right)


Due to increasing conflict from Muslims and Christians, the prices of meat and potatoes have gone up substantially; beef up 25%, potatoes up 60%. This makes for scarcity mentality when most people live off a $1.25 (USD) a day and that 42% of the country lives well below the poverty line. For a country of around 21.1 million people, that is increasing frustrating since the economy was the platform of both candidates, yet it is the number one thing suffering because of the election. 


Check out the CS Monitor and BBC for more news on this increasingly hostile situation.
For more statistics on Ivory Coast, check out the CIA Factbook.
Again this is another country that can really use our prayers as this is will be a tough situation that will not be able to be brushed under the rug. 

One response to “Ivory Coast, Part 2”

  1. the age-old dispute between Ishmael and Isaac will always be hanging over this world and countries will suffer because of Abraham and Sarah’s bad decision to “help out” God’s plan. Sad. love, grandma