We been here for almost six weeks and now we have four weeks and counting until we leave Kenya for the last time as a team. God has done some amazing things in and through this team. I am so honored to serve and lead these young adults as they purpose God and His Kingdom.
What totally blows my mind is their commitment to those we are serving. Two weeks ago, Hannah and I were going over our budget only to realize that we would not be able to provide food deliveries for the IDP (Internally-Displaced Persons) Camp with our current financial situation. We realized that to visit twice a week, it would cost us something in order to facilitate our commitment to these “overlooked” people. We had to call a team meeting to discuss our next course of action and proposed some ideas in order to facilitate the growing need.
The proposition that was reached, unanimously, is that we would give up half of our food budget in order to continue feeding these people. This would mean we would give up one meal a day and then eat the staples of Kenya: ugali, rice, chapati, and beans, as well as cheap goods such as noddles and potatoes. You cannot begin to fully realize the sacrifice that these young adults would be giving up in order to serve and care for people who have been forgotten by just about everyone else.
Well, it has been two weeks since that day and I am hear to say that I am impressed and honored by these young adults’ willingness to sacrifice. I am not sure how we will be able to facilitate this when we leave here on the 19th of November, but at the moment, we are able to feed close to 250 families with beans and corn flour. These people can be rested assure that they can feed their children that day; their children, who pretty much get the last bit of food left or don’t usually eat everyday. It is where the elderly are assured that they are able to eat, since many cannot work or are unable to provide for themselves. And it is where those who have AIDS and HIV know that people truly care about them since they are on the bottom rung of society.
I am not sure how we will continue to feed them once we leave, but as for this moment in time, these young adults have loved those who have been unloved. They are following Matthew 25:31-45, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Thank you Father for selfless attitudes and a willingness, or better, a desire to love those who were unloved. Thank you for these men and women, that I have the privilege of serving and leading on a daily basis.
*I will update next week with an address to send money in order to help families in the IDP Camp such as food, supplies, and other needs. If you feel called to give, please be patient and I will make sure there is a way to do.
So proud of you and your team son!!! You have been Christ to these long forgotten people of Kenya!!! Love you and praying!!
Proud of you all. Isn’t it great to lead people that decide to go for it?
That’s tremendous, Nick! What an encouraging and selfless act. This is what I live for. You guys are awesome!
WOW, I am so proud of all of you! YOU AND YOUR TEAM ROCK!
Praying for you Nick!
this is so encouraging and challenging nick! way to lead and set the standard! looking forward to hearing about things when you get back!:)
Well Done Guy!! Abba smiles on you all. Keep going for Him.