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Where is the Focus?

There is a good chance, if you are from the North, Midwest, or scattered parts of Canada, you watched last night's hockey game. And really, it was not just any hockey game, it was Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. A true momentous occasion, where two teams were locked in a battle to see who would prevail in their quest for Lord Stanley's Cup. However, a very intriguing event happened last night after the game…

Canuck (Vancouver) fans rioted in the streets, after the game.

Let this sink in for a second.

People rioted because of a sporting event. We are not talking about rioting for political, economic, or social change, all of which have happened this year…we are talking about rioting because of disappointment due to the results of a sporting event, in short, entertainment

Before this is taken as a criticism against Canada, let me remind of the amount of times people have rioted after sporting events in the U.S. Fans have taken to the streets and proceeded to let out their frustrations in the form of vandalism and destruction, quite frequently. NY Yankees, Michigan State Basketball, Indiana Pacers, and Cleveland Cavaliers are just a hand fun of incidents where fans have taken out their disappointment in form of property destruction.

My biggest quarrel with this form of rioting is that the focus is on disappointment with entertainment. The key word here is disappointment. Disappointment with sports

Honestly, where is our focus here? When people are dying of AIDs, people are trapped in the sex trade, children are orphaned, and disasters happen more frequently, where are we focusing our attention