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Do We Really Care?

I decided to write something of tangent today so I hope you enjoy.

So aside from the Cortland Finnegan and Andre Johnson fight with no repercussions and the fear that Cavalier fans might try something dumb during the teams game last night with James and the Miami Heat, another headline hit the newsstands yesterday…the U.S. lost the bid for the 2022 World Cup. 

Now the U.S. sent over former president, Bill Clinton, and actor, Morgan Freeman, to give the speech for the U.S.'s bid. 

…ironically, Freeman missed a page of his speech and then upon realizing it said, "oh, I forgot a page." He's been the joke of the news because it has been said it was "his fault that we lost the bid."

But then again, do the citizens of the United States actually care? Probably not


Let's look at this, Major League Soccer or MLS, has very low standings on American broadcasting. Let's be honest, Americans cannot watch soccer because of a few reason:
       1) Since there is no stoppage of play, soccer goes on for 2 45-minute halves, this means no            timeouts, no stops for penalties, no commercials for terrible fast food or crappy beer. We have        low attention spans so we need the breaks for 90 seconds of play to think of something else.
       2) We are the only country to call the sport, soccer. They hear football and instantly they think          NFL or NCAA. Not much else needs to be said about this. 
We also do not seem to realize that the United States is 24th worldwide by FIFA stats. Yeah, it seems low but hey, we're better than 90% of the world; that is quite an accomplishment. I just came back from Kenya and it was over the news that FIFA gave them the ranking of 150th. Pretty much Kenya is better than 5% of the world. Very sad. 
I enjoy this sport, a lot actually. Sadly, it will probably never gain the recognition with the population of this country. But then again, do we really care? The more I think about it…nope.

Anyway, congratulations to Qatar on being able to host the 2022 World Cup.

One comment

  1. This candid tangent blog makes me laugh…mostly because I can just hear you saying all of this, ha. But yet, it’s informative as well. I did hear that Qatar beat us out, but I had no idea about Morgan Freeman and his oops with the missed page – that’s funny!

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